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Wednesday, April 20, 2016



                                    RULES FOR ROBOTICS EVENT -:
                              “KULACHI BASKETBALL LEAGUE (KBL)”

·         Dimension of the floor: 8ft. by 8ft.  
·         Height of the floor boundary: 1ft.
·         2 baskets at the 2 opposite corners of the arena.
·         Balls to be spread over the arena.

·         Maximum Size:  18inches. By 18inches.
·         Allowed Kits: 
1.      TETRIX
2.      LEGO ( Mindstorm Only )
3.      VEX
NOTE : LEGO kit is allowed.
·         Maximum number of DC Motors = 6
·         Maximum numbers of Servos = 4

      Game Rules:

                  ELIMINATION ROUND:

·        The game starts with The Autonomous Period of which the teams will be provided with 2 balls. The robot has to follow a black line, reach the basket and drop the balls into it.
(Drivers will not be allowed to pick up their gamepads (controllers) in this period.)
(Balls will be released before the Autonomous Period)
·     After the completion of Autonomous Matches, the top 10 teams with the maximum points will be selected for the successive rounds.


1. Semifinal round shall be based on "Autonomous " and  “The  Driver Control”.                                                                Match will start with a 30s. Autonomous period ( explained above ) (optional) and then 1min and 30s Driver Control Period.
2. Total Time for each match will be 2min. Two teams per match shall compete with each other. The 2 drivers from each team shall control the robot using controllers.
3. The balls released at the beginning of the match will now have to be collected by the robots and put into their respective baskets.
4.    Top 5 teams with maximum score shall compete in the Final round.
  Scoring Rules:
              Autonomous Period -:

·         Following the black line and reaching the respective box: 5 points
·         Dropping the balls into the box : 5 points

Driver Control Period -:

·         Putting the respective ball in the respective box: 2 points (each ball)


·         Damaging the arena in any way :  -3 points
·         Putting opposite team’s ball in your box:
1.      1 ball -> no penalty
2.      2 balls -> no penalty
3.      3 balls -> -2 points

NOTE : Rules are subject to change. Please keep visiting the blog for latest updates.                                                             Decision of the referee will be final and binding. 

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